Human Capital Insights

Selling and the DiSC® Profile: The Easy Observables

Written by Joanne Flynn | 10/15/15 5:30 PM

It's All About the Information!

The question is often asked, "So how can I determine my client's DiSC® profile? We all know we would like to have clients fill out the profile, but since that's often not going to happen, here are some things to consider. The behaviors are right in front of you.

In sales, the salesperson's job is to observe and process every clue the client gives. If you can master the most prominent and easily observed behaviors, it doesn't matter if you are selling face-to-face or over the phone. It's all about the information. 

So, what happens when you are in a face-to-face client meeting or having a telephone conversation? One thing is for sure—there will be an exchange of information. The way individuals deliver and process information is unique to them. Each one of us has information patterns. Understanding and serving these patterns will help you better understand the client and, ultimately, their buying patterns and signals. With this information, you can understand the client's individual DiSC® profile

We have broken these signals and buying patterns into the following segments: 

  • D – Dominant
  • I – Influencer
  • S – Steadiness
  • C – Conscientious

Within each of these segments, we look at the following:

  • Type of Questions to Use
  • Listening Levels to Observe
  • Quality of Information Given
  • Quantity of Information Given


D - Dominant

Type of Questions to Use - Use focused open questions.

Listening Levels - Because of their short attention spans, their listening is inconsistent, based on what's important to them. 

Quality of Information Given - Good but short and undefined.

Quantity of Information Given - Little quantity. Ask questions. Don't assume.

I – Influencer

Type of Questions to Use - Use many open questions to drill down to tangible information.

Listening Levels - Influencers are generally less precise listeners unless they focus, and their listening can be very sharp.

Quality of Information Given - Low quality, but it sounds really good.

Quantity of Information Given - You will get a lot of information, but always listen for substance and tangibility.

S – Steadiness 

Type of Questions to Use - Be prepared to use many layers of open questions.

Listening Levels - S's are excellent listeners.

Quality of Information Given - The quality may be low because it is typically coded.

Quantity of Information Given - You will generally be given a lot of information.

C – Conscientious

Type of questions to Use - Use open questions.

Listening Levels - C's are among the best listeners. 

Quality of Information Given - The quality of information given will be very good.

Quantity of Information Given - Don't expect a tidal wave of information.

We invite you to download the full DiSC® Profile - Behaviors to Observe Checklist to help you better determine your client's individual DiSC® profile.