Organizational Performance Assessment Platform

How do we tie human capital performance assessments to metrics?  The Phoenix Strategic Performance Assessment System and Enhanced Human Capital Analytics will:

Identify the human capital strategy – who’s
current, trending & static

  • Implications for Organizational Results Will Help Forecast:

    -  Value Creation

    -  Value Stagnation

    -  Value Erosion 

Identify the cost structure & the real cost of your people’s productivity

  • Productivity and Cost Implications

Identify the risk, cost and productivity drain:

  • When top producers leave

  • When the organization is left with under producers

  • When organizational agility and business resiliency has been compromised

Organizational Agility Assessment Reports will focus targeted and relevant develop efforts to help organizations:

  • Create a highly productive human capital organization positioned to meet goals and deliver results with:

    -  High quality

    -  Sustainability

    -  "Forecastable" predictability

Understand why and where the cost of underperformance is hurting your organization and stalling or decelerating growth

  • See the strategic impact when human capital capacity shifts from 60 to 90%:

    -   Increase productivity

    -   Create bench strength to deploy human capital on demand

    -   Strengthen organizational agility, resiliency & strategic alignment

Learn More About the PSP Platform >>

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