Strategic Human Capital Insights

6 Critical Skills for Future Proofing Your IT Organization

Posted by Joanne Flynn

You may have the right processes in place, and you may have your IT needs covered right now, but do you have all the right people in the right roles to position your IT organization for:

  • Future organizational needs?
  • Future technology needs?
  • Future competitive advantage?
  • Company growth acceleration?
  • Maximum corporate profitability?


IT organizations have grown so quickly over the past 3 decades, and in the grand organizational lifecycle, technology is a relatively new corporate discipline and is still evolving. In addition, IT organizations have grown very quickly, with increasing demands being placed on finite people and financial resources. IT is often considered a cost center rather than a strategic business growth center. The cost center perspective has put cost constraints and people pressures on IT at a time when demands are growing, as all organizations are becoming tech companies (Fortune Global Forum). We see that with all these conflicting demands and constraints, IT organizations are running just to stay in place, surviving rather than thriving, living under organizational yokes that are diametrically opposed to strategic business growth objectives.

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Topics: Information Technology

6 Critical Skills for Your IT Organization

Posted by Joanne Flynn


As we evaluate the human capital required for leading and managing a robust, future-focused IT operation today, the skills/knowledge (skills) required today are fundamentally different from those required in the past. 

Current research tells us that organizations perform much better when their IT department has a seat at the strategic table and the business skills to innovate, transform, and speak the business language. These concepts are easy to talk about but much harder to implement and measure.  

The ability to innovate, transform, and speak the language of the business requires multiple, interdependent business skills. Just being technically competent is no longer adequate. A successful IT leader must be able to perform at sustainable peak levels with all the necessary business skills, and here’s the challenge. When we speak with the C-Suite, below are the skills they expect from their senior IT leadership:

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Topics: Information Technology

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