The question of if everyone can lead has been considered in organizational development theory and practice for decades. There are as many opinions as there are people. Some say yes. Others say no. To begin to answer this question, three key concepts must be uniquely defined by every organization.
Since every organization is different, the definition of the concepts can vary. However, the following three concepts must be clearly defined:
1. Definition of Leadership: The Benchmark
How does the organization define the role of the leader? What benchmark competencies are required for the position, as it ideally relates to and aligns with the business strategy? How are those competency requirements prioritized? How are people evaluated against the organizational benchmark?
2. The Role of the Leader: How is the Role of the Leader Positioned in the Organizational Structure?
The role of the leader links the execution of work performed with the business initiatives. The leader ensures that work productivity paces with strategic initiatives. Any flaws in either the definition of the leader or the organizational structure in which the leader operates will be revealed when business goals are not reached. I have seen the most questionable people sitting in leadership roles – people who simply should not be there. I question how they got there, and, given their place in the organization, what’s their impact on the organization’s strategic results? After all, they are all linked!
3. Can Everyone Lead? Test Your Assumptions!
Given Points 1 and 2, you can now begin to evaluate a leadership candidate against highly defined criteria relative to where in the organization structure this position resides. Then, and only then, can you start to determine if the candidate has the probability of operating as a productive leader. Only some people make the grade.
Always remember, there is one key word that goes straight back to the title of this blog. The key word in the title is CAN. Listed below are typical biases that can cloud the evaluation of leadership. Make sure you don’t get caught in these three assumptive traps:
- Everyone can lead – it’s the next step up the career ladder.
- Everyone can lead – they were good in their former job.
- Everyone can lead – they’re smart, so of course they can.
Leadership and Management Competencies
The role of the leader is CRITICAL to the organization and its success. This role requires a person who is both outwardly focused and inwardly responsive. Below are some key leadership competencies:
- Business Acumen and Vision
- Dealing with Complexity - Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving
- Creativity and Innovation
- Business Planning and Risk Management
- Communication
Leadership competencies are very different from traditional management competencies. The perspective is different. However, we often promote our leaders from the management ranks as ‘their next step.’ Do not assume that once someone is promoted to a leadership role, they will automatically either know or have the leadership competency skill set to do the job NOW. And this is where organizations can get into trouble.
Determining if people can lead is not simple, easy, or fast. The decisions reached regarding leadership are among the most critical decisions an organization can make. If an organization is to stay focused on key initiatives, it must have the absolute BEST leader in EVERY leadership role. There is no room for error, accommodation, entitlement, or legacy. The right leader can make all the difference to an organization’s success. The results can be legendary. We have stunning business examples of success. Alternatively, the negative consequences of getting leadership wrong can be equally legendary. Sadly, we also have many disastrous examples, as well.
Correctly identifying and continually reviewing the leadership issue is critical to every organization’s success. It is time to put a rigorous process and discipline for the entire leadership process.
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